Academic training
- General training course for health and safety - Corso di formazione generale per lavoratori in ambito di salute e sicurezza (UNITO_4 hours_eLearning) (mandatory - no CFU)
- Biosecurity in the Department of Veterinary Sciences (Corso di formazione specifica in materia di salute e sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro - Italian people: Course organized by UNITO_ Area Formazione; foreign people: course available on line (Moodle): 12 hours (mandatory -no CFU)
- Scientific Academic English - 6 CFU
- Data driven research methodologies: from molecular to population level - 5 CFU - prof. Mario Giacobini, Marco Pittarello and Ugo Ala
- Practical skills on PhD report writing - 2 CFU - prof. Carlo Nebbia
- Organization and presentation of scientific data - 3 CFU - prof. Luca Bonfanti
- Norms on animal testing and management of animal facilities - 2 CFU - prof. Flavia Girolami
- Image aquisition, manipulation and final figure preparation - 1 CFU - prof. Paolo Accornero
- Selected approaches in Veterinary Science research - 4 CFU - prof. Maria Teresa Capucchio
See also Calendar and Academic Year
Other opportunities specially meant for foreign PhD students
For Teachers
Annex 2 of the PhD Regulations reports details about the credit’s acquisition.
The evaluation of Phd students'scientific activities will take place after the presentation of their yearly reports; both the written and the oral reports will be marked.
Phd students reports
While attending the PhD programme, Phd students must present a written report every six months. Phd students are furthermore required to present the results of their project through a yearly, oral presentation.
Written reports
Annex 6A, 6B, 7, 8 of the PhD Regulations reports details about Half-Yearly and Yearly Reports.
Only the reports presented after the first six months of activity are subject to an evaluation (Annex 6A). The other semi-annual reports are considered as progress reports and therefore are not subject to an evaluation (Annex 6B). The yearly reports (Annex 7) are assessed by the Teaching Committee. They must summarize the annual progress and development of the project and must be organized according to the scheme used for oral presentations. Written reports must be undersigned by the Tutor. The yearly report of the last year (Annex 8) must be written by supervisor.
Oral presentation
Each Phd student is required to attend oral presentations (using the Power Point template provided) by other students of the same cycle. Through the attendance of oral presentations (including oral reports of students of other cycles) Phd students will obtain the foreseen number of credits. When abroad to work on their project, PhD students can make their presentations via videoconferencing. Videoconferencing is, however, not admitted for the last year report (leading to admission to the final examination).
1st year: Brief report (lasting up to a maximum of 15 minutes) about the educational activities attended and the research activities carried out during the year. Candidates must summarize the state of the art of their research topics and present the main lines of their scientific projects. Candidates must specify the technical and methodological approaches to be used, and how the educational activities already carried out or still to be carried out are relevant for their research project goals. Preliminary results can be provided, if available.
2nd year: Report on the progresses of the research project (lasting maximum 15 minutes). After mentioning the background and the used methodologies, candidates must present the obtained results. Results must consistently support the feasibility of the project. Candidates will then describe the future developments, and show how these are going to be integrated into the project.
3rd year: The report is organized as a 30 minutes’ length seminar. The results obtained during the four years of the Phd programme are discussed and assessed in relation to the logical development of the project, to their consistency and originality, and to their relation to international literature.
All people attending oral reports may participate to the discussion. The members of the Teaching Committee may test the level of competence acquired by the candidate, with regard both to general issues and to the technical and methodologies aspects related to the research project.
The Teaching Committee preliminarily examines the written biannual reports, and assesses both the written and oral yearly written reports.
The report presentations are attended by the Head of the PhD Programme and by other teachers representing the Teaching Committee and of all areas and subjects included in the Phd Programme.
If necessary, upon proposal by the PhD Programme Head or by a member of the Teaching Committee, an external component with a consultative role may participate. Such a component can be a member of either private, public or non-university research bodies.
Annex 9 of the PhD Regulations reports details about the PhD students evaluation criteria.
See also the Dissertation and award of Ph.D section on the Doctoral School website.
- Guide for the use of the online services of the University of Torino. More detailed informations can be found in the Bussola di UniTO
- Guide for the access and modification of the students' personal pages [pdf]
- Template of the certificate af attendance to seminars [docx]
- Guide for the use of the online application system for requesting the increase of the scholarship for research abroad activities [pdf]
- Guide for using the PhD programme mobility funds [pdf]
Missions (national and international)
- Activity description letter
- Letter of Acceptance by the Research Body
- Declaration of Permanence
- Declaration of Accomplished Mission by the Research Body
Request for Certificates
- Complete the document "Request for Certificates" docx format
Supervisors Project Model
Oral presentation