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Nicoletta Schibeci Natoli Scialli



Sergio Rosati

Phd thesis

Genome editing using the CRISPR/Cas9 system: an approach to
improve the development of novel tools to control infectious diseases

The control of infectious diseases is a fundamental aspect of both human and veterinary medicine. Many diseases have severe consequences on public health, as well as on the economy. Vaccination, in combination with rapid, precise and highly sensitive diagnostic tests are necessary for the control and treatment of disease. During the last decade, diagnostics for infectious diseases have vastly improved thanks to technological advancements. The detection of antigens, antibodies or nucleic acid molecules now plays a central role in the development of tools and specific tests for the routine surveillance of important human diseases, such as tuberculosis, malaria (Maltha et al., 2013; Weyer et al., 2013) and the recent worldwide COVID-19 pandemic (Graham, 2020; Zhang et al., 2020), as well as veterinary diseases, such as contagious agalactia (CA), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), and so on (Rosati et al., 1999, 2000; Bertolotti et al., 2015; Muratore et al., 2017; Colitti et al., 2018).

The development of new diagnostic tools for disease control purposes is generally a long and complex process. It requires the employment and development of numerous methods and protocols, such as gene editing, protein production, ELISA, the analysis of immunological parameters, both in vitro and in vivo testing, and so on. Furthermore, there is still a lot to explore in order to improve their capacity to preserve both human and animal health.

The principal aim of this research project was to explore the use of the CRISPR/Cas9 system for prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome editing with the end scope of developing novel diagnostic tools for veterinary applications. This system has great potential for development as it overcomes the issue of random integration, and it permits precise modification of the genome (Jinek et al., 2012; Cong et al., 2013; Black et al., 2017; Parthiban et al., 2019). In this study, we focus on the genome editing of two different subjects, a hybridoma cell line and Mycoplasma agalactiae (MA).

Research activities

Nogarol C., Schibeci Natoli Scialli N., Proft M., Brocchi E., Caruso C., Masoero L., Rosat S.  - della gE di SUHV1 in cellule eucariote, finalizzata allo sviluppo di test sierologici di tipo indiretto - XVIII Congresso Nazionale S.I.Di.L.V. - Hotel Giò, Perugia (PG), 7-8-9 Novembre 2018

Schibeci Natoli Scialli N., Bertolotti L., Colitti B., Pezzoni G., Profiti M., Martignani E., Melega M., Brocchi E., Rosati S. - CRISPR/CAS9: nuovo sistema di genome editing per l’espressione stabile di proteine eterologhe in cellule di mammifero - XIX Congresso Nazionale S.I.Di.L.V. - Hotel MH, Matera (MT), 23-25 Ottobre 2019

Schibeci Natoli Scialli, N., Colitti, B., Bertolotti, L., Pezzoni, G., Martignani, E., Melega, M., Brocchi, E., & Rosati, S. (2021). Genome editing of a hybridoma cell line via the CRISPR/Cas9 system: A new approach for constitutive high-level expression of heterologous proteins in eukaryotic system. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 238, 110286.



  • 27th November 2017 - Seminar: "Overview on poultry production and management: intensive vs extensive farming systems" Prof. Schiavone - Dept. Veterinary Science - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 18th January 2018 - Workshop: "Ricerca e Innovazione nell'ambito dei metodi Sostitutivi" - Aula Magna della Cavallerizza Reale - Università degli Studi di Torino - Via Verdi, 8 - 10124 Torino
  • 26th January 2018 - Seminar: "Diagnostica delle lentivirosi caprine; Diagnostica delle infezioni da pestivirus dei ruminanti" Prof. Rosati - Dept. Veterinary Medicine. Università  degli Studi di Sassari. Via Vienna 2, Sassari
  • 2nd February 2018 - Seminar: "Gut healt in animal production" Prof. Cappuccio  - Dept. Veterinary Science  - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 14th February 2018 - Seminar: "Why non rodent domestic and wild animals are needed for studiyng brain plasticiy." Prof. Bonfanti  - Dept. Veterinary Science - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 6th, 7th March 2018 - Research Days of the Dept. veterinary Science, L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 6th April 2018 - Seminar: "Morphological study of the pathologies of the liver in sheep infested by parasitesDr. Eglantina Xhemollari - Dept. Veterinary Science - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 20th April 2018 - Workshop: "Technology Transfer and Entreprenuership at the University of Turin (2i3T Business Incubator, Startup Case Study, Q&A, Conclusions)" - Dott. Phd. M. Sciacca (Incubator 2i3T) - Sala Principi D'Acaja, Rettorato - Università degli Studi di Torino - Via Po, 17, Torino. 
  • 5th June 2018 - Seminar "Open Science" - Dept. Veterinary Science - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 20th, 21st, 22nd June - 72° Conference SISVET - MBC - via Nizza 52 - Torino 
  • 12th July 2018 - Seminar: "Principles of multimodal treatment of cancer in dogs and cats" Prof. Buracco  - Dept. Veterinary Science  - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 19th, 20th July 2018 - Research Days of the Dept. veterinary Science, L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 13th September 2018 - "D-day" organized by the Doctoral School - Deptartment Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences - Via Nizza 52, Torino. 
  • 24th September 2018 - Seminar "Uncovering the hidden treasures: a philosophical approach can ease the food security challenge" Dr. Abdul Raziq - Dept. Veterinary Science - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 28th September 2018 - Seminar "Species identification of food of animal origin" Prof. Alessandra Dalmasso  - Dept. Veterinary Science  - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)



  • 28th, 29th March 2019 - Research Days of the Dept. veterinary Science, L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 3rd April 2019 - Seminar "Camel adaptation to heat and water deprivation stresses" Prof. Achaaban - Dept. Veterinary Science - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 16th April 2019 - Seminar "Vector-borne diseases surveillance: an opportunity for putting One Health into practice” Dott. Laura Tomassone - Dept. Veterinary Science - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 15th May 2019 - Seminar "How to get published” Dept. Veterinary Science - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 16th May 2019 - Seminar “Strumenti a supporto delle procedure di valutazione e analisi della produzione scientifica in unito” - Torino Esposizioni, Corso Massimo d’Azeglio, Torino
  • 12th June 2019 - Forum "Agriculture and livestock production under the challenges of climate change” project CLICHA - Dept. Veterinary Science - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 25th June 2019 - Seminar "Divulgazione e informazione scientifica” Dept. Veterinary Science - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 3rd July 2019 - Seminar “Antimicrobial Resistance in Wildlife: Implications for Public Health” Dott. Serrano - Dept. Veterinary Science - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 9th July 2019 - Seminar “Principles of multimodal treatment in veterinary oncology” Prof. Buracco - Dept. Veterinary Science - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 10th, 11th July 2019 - Research Days of the Dept. veterinary Science, L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 30th September 2019 - "D-day" organized by the Doctoral School - Deptartment Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences - Via Nizza 52, Torino. 



  • 23rd, 24th October 2019 - XIX Congresso Nazionale S.I.Di.L.V. - Hotel MH, Matera (MT).
  • 27th November 2019 - Seminar  "Come costruire un messaggio divulgativo" Dott. Piero Bianucci. - Dept. Veterinary Science - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 12th December 2019 - Course "Corso di microscopia in campo chiaro e fluorescenza" Dr. Cristiano Rumio - Dept. Veterinary Science - L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (TO)
  • 21st May 2020 - Webinar "Accelerating gene editing research using the power of flow cytometry" organized by ThermoFisher Scientific (Invitrogen)
  • 23rd May 2020 - Webinar "A Workflow for Knock-in Genome Editing: Simplified" organized by ThermoFisher Scientific (Invitrogen)
  • 30 May 2020 - Webinar "Tools and methods for CRISPR-Cas9 screening for functional genomics and drug discovery" organized by ThermoFisher Scientific (Invitrogen)
  • 4th June 2020 - Research Day of the Dept. veterinary Science  - organized by Dept. Veterinary Science 
  • 23rd June 2020 - Webinar "The Research Ecosystem and Its Evaluation" Dott. Luigi Rucco - organized by the Doctoral School 
  • 25th June 2020 - Seminar "One health: the theory and practice of integrated approaches to health" ProfZinsstag - organized by Dept. Veterinary Science 
  • 8th July 2020 - Workshop "How to write a scientific paper" Dott. Aldo Rampioni and Dott. Davide Migliorini - organized by the Doctoral School 
  • 9th July 2020 - Seminar "Wildlife diseases control: which role for vaccination?" Visiting Professor Christian Gortazar - organized by Dept. Veterinary Science




29th January - 2nd February 2018 -  "Management of data of veterinary interest" Lecturer: Prof. Mario Giacobini - Dept. Veterinary Science, L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (Torino)

30th January - 1st, 7th February 2018 - "Norms on Animal Testing and Management of Animal Facilities" Lecturer: Dott.Flavia Girolami -  Dept. Veterinary Science, L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (Torino)

6th February - 12th September  2018 - "Communication and presentation of scientific data" Lecturer: Prof. Luca Bonfanti - Dept. Veterinary Science, L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (Torino)

6th, 8th February 2018 - "Image aquisition, manipulation and final figure preparation" Lecturer: Prof. Paolo Accornero - Dept. Veterinary Science, L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (Torino)

26th March - 7th, 8th May 2018 - "Course on Scientific Writing" Lecturer: Prof. Carlo Nebbia - Dept. Veterinary Science, L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (Torino)

7th, 8th, 9th, 14th, 23rd, 29th, May - 5th June 2018, "Course of Scientific english" Lecturer: Dott.Alice Spencer - Dept. Veterinary Science, L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (Torino)

22nd, 25th, 28th May 2018 -  "Course on Bibliographical Research" Lecturers:Dott.Paolo Gardois, Dott.Nicoletta Colombi - Corso Dogliotti, 38, Torino

2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th September 2018, "Course of Scientific english" Lecturer: Dott.Alice Spencer - Dept. Veterinary Science, L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco (Torino)

June 2020 - Course "Le zoonosi a trasmissione alimentare: aggiornamento sulle fonti, agenti zoonotici e focolai di tossinfezione alimentare" - organized by IZSLER

June 2020 - Course "Tossicologia alimentare" - organized by IZSLER

July 2020 - Course "La nuova etichettatura comunitaria degli alimenti: nozioni di diritto e annotazioni pratiche " - organized by IZSLER


From November 2018 to February2019 - INRA/ENVT, Host-Pathogen Interaction, Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, Toulouse (France) - Supervision of Prof. Christine Citti and Prof. Emilie Dordet Frisoni.



Last update: 09/03/2022 12:44

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